Few issues generate more heated debate than the regulation (or deregulation) of the financial sector. This became an increasingly important issue particularly after the 2008 crisis. How has the debate evolved in the United States? What has determined what policy is followed? Professor Mark Rose (Florida Atlantic University) and author of Market Rules offers some answers in the following video.
More on Mark Rose
A basic bibliography and other resources on the history of financial regulation
Biles, Roger and Mark Rose (2017), The President and American Capitalism Since 1945. Gainsville:
University of Florida Press.
Calomiris, Charles (2000), U.S. Bank Deregulation in Historical Perspective. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
Drach, Alexis and Youssef Cassis (Eds.) (2021), Financial Deregulation: A Historical
Perspective. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Rose, Mark (2019) Market Rules: Bankers, Presidents, and the Coming of the Great Recession.
Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.