How can historians study shady business? What are the challenges of studying fraud? What are the benefits? Edward Balleisen (Duke University) author of Fraud explains this in the following video.

Healthcare as a business is an issue that has generated heated debates in American politics.  In the last decades, no presidential election has not had healthcare as one of the main points differentiating candidates and political parties from each other.  Christy Chapin is the author of the groundbreaking book Ensuring America’s […]

More on Dan Raff A bibliography …:   Raff, Daniel and Philip Scranton (Eds.) (2017) The Emergence of Routines: Entrepreneurship, Organization, and Business History. Oxford: Oxford University Press Raff, Daniel (2013) “How To Do Things With Time,” Enterprise and Society, 14(3): 435-466. Lamoreaux, Naomi, Daniel Raff, and Peter Temin (2003) […]

More on Caitlin Rosenthal: A bibliography … Rosenthal, Caitlin (2020) “Capitalism Where Labor Was Capital: Slavery, Power, and Price in Antebellum America,” Capitalism: A Journal of History and Economics, 1(2): 296-337  Rosenthal, Caitlin (2020), “Balancing the Books: Convergence and Diversity of Accounting in Massachusetts, Journal of Economic History, 80(3): 782-812. […]