In this video, a concise overview is provided of the emergence of coffee cultivation in Colombia. Juan Carlos López Díez, a history professor and co-editor of the book commemorating the 90th anniversary of the National Federation of Coffee Growers, delves into the history of the expansion of the coffee economy in Colombia and its spread to what would later be termed “coffee-growing regions.” He explains the pivotal moment when this product became significant for the country, eventually becoming the driving force of the Colombian economy for most of the 20th century. This period also marked an interesting phase of internationalization as a brand (Juan Valdez) and as a quality reference for mild coffees.
[Video in Spanish with English sub-titles]
Juan C. López D. MA in Social History, BA in Education and BA in Public Accounting. He is a professor at EAFIT University, where he has taught Business History as his main subject for 25 years, with his research focus being the history of public services. Author of books on the history of Empresas Públicas de Medellín (EPM) and the evolution of the public utilities sector in the city.
A basic bibliography on the history of coffee in Colombia
Bergquist, Charles W. Coffee and Conflict in Colombia, 1886-1910. Druham: Duke University Press, 1986.
León, Karim y López, Juan Carlos (eds.). Federación Nacional de Cafeteros de Colombia, 1927-2017. 90 años. Vivir el café y sembrar el futuro. Medellín: FNC y Editorial EAFIT, 2017.
Ocampo, José Antonio. Historia económica de Colombia. Colombia: Planeta, 2007.
Palacios, Marco. Between legitimacy and violence: A history of Colombia, 1875–2002. Durham: Duke University Press, 2006.
Palacios, Marco y Safford, Frank. Colombia: país fragmentado, sociedad dividida. Colombia: Norma, 2002.
Pendergrast, Mark. El café: historia de la semilla que cambió el mundo. Buenos Aires: Javier Vergara Editor, 2002.