Gender and Business History

Since the 1990s, historians started paying particular attention to the implications of including a gender-informed perspective in their research.  Business history was not excluded from this trend.  Mary Yaeger (University of California at Berkeley) editor of Women in Business and a number of influential publications is a pioneer in developing this approach.  In the following video she explains the implications and importance of this perspective for our understanding of business history. 



More on Mary Yaeger 

A bibliography and other resources on women in business history 

Catanese, Lynn A. (1997), Women’s History: A Guide to Sources at the Hagley Museum and Library. Westport: Greenwood.

Craig, Béatrice (2016), Women and Business Since 1500: Invisible Presences in Europe and North America? New York: Palgrave

Kwolek-Folland, Angel (1998), Incorporating Women: A History of Women and Business in the United States. New York: Simon & Schuster.

Smith, Cheryl (2005), Market Women: Black Women Entrepreneurs: Past, Present, and Future. Westport: Praeger

Yaeger, Mary (Ed.) (1999), Women in Business. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar (3 volumes)